Mindset for ADHD

What brought you to Sevenpointfive? My daughter What was your state of health prior to Sevenpointfive? ADHD What other methods of healing have you tried and what medications were you on and for how long? All medical help What change did you first notice on the Sevenpointfive Program? The calmness and alertness! How long did it take for you to regain physical/mental control over life? 1 day How has Sevenpointfive changed the quality of your life? 100% Improvement - She is...

ADHD and Mood Swings

What brought you to Sevenpointfive? I needed an alternative treatment for my daughter's ADHD. What was your state of health prior to Sevenpointfive? Terrible - underweight, emotional, erratic, mood swings. What other methods of healing have you tried and what medications were you on and for how long? Concerta and Ritalin for ± 2 years. What change did you first notice on the Sevenpointfive Program? Her appetite and sleep patterns improved. How long did it take for you...

Improvement in 24yr Old Brain Injury

What brought you to Sevenpointfive? My fiancé, got a brain injury due to a skateboard accident - he is now 42 years of age, the accident occurred when he was 18 years of age. He came across as aggressive (his actions more due to his frustrations than ADD), forgetful, he believed he recognised people he was meeting for the first time though we knew he didn't know them, he had difficulty with...

Thanks for helping my kid’s ADD

Hi Delia I wanted to let you have some feedback on how well my kids are doing on the Mindset. My son has been sleeping through the night and has stopped sleep-walking and shouting out. He is finding school much nicer and not such a bind. Everything has improved with his school work. At his Gala he even came first in two races and second in the one race. My daughter is managing better at...

No more Ritalin!

What brought you to Sevenpointfive? My son has been suffering with ADD since he was in Grade 2. We decided to consult Sevenpointfive What was your state of health prior to Sevenpointfive? He was on 25mg of Ritalin for ADD every morning and he was not sleeping well at all. What change did you first notice on the Sevenpointfive program? I notice that my son is calm over a long period of time. His craving...

ADHD and Mindset – the natural miracle

Clinton and I wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the simply wonderful and if I might say, miraculous help you gave Gareth with the Sevenpointfive products. Gareth’s ear infection, which was a major problem of many months, has totally cleared up on the Silvermax and Omega SLO.  His hearing is perfect and the doctors say the eardrum is as clear as a bell. There is no sign of...

ADHD – Nature’s hope for all children on ritalin!

I have three sons. The youngest is a sweet, bright-eyed, three-year-old named James. Unfortunately, this sweet little boy would turn into a screaming, completely out of control little monster.  His temper tantrums and aggressive behaviour were so out of character and so impossible to control that it became impossible to take him to a restaurant or shopping. It had a very destructive affect on the entire family as everyone tried very hard...

ADHD – My son is calmer and enjoying school

Raymond started on Mindset two days before the 1st term of school. Within a week, I noticed changes. Shopping used to be a nightmare with him running up and down the aisles and being loud.  The first Saturday after him starting, we went shopping and he was definitely calmer.  He walked with me through the shop without running all over. His teacher has remarked on how much calmer and more manageable he...

Epilepsy – I am off all medications

On the 4th of December 2003 I collapsed at church and woke up in hospital 20 minutes later. Had cat scan, Eeg’s, ultra sounds, blood tests etc. and was diagnosed by the neurologist with Epilepsy. I was put onto Tegretol (high doses). The attacks seemed to get worse with me. Sometimes I was having up to 10 attacks a day. Some days I never even managed to get to school, other days...

Severe ADHD from head trauma

  My mother-in-law, Vera Botha, of 23 Somerset Rd, Widenham, spoke to a colleague of yours about my daughter Marisca Le Roux, age 9 who was involved in a horrific road traffic accident last October 26.  She was coma induced and had a frontal lobectomy.  We were told she would never wake up and if she did, she would never walk, talk, or do anything for her self.  She did wake...