What brought you to Sevenpointfive?
Suffered from candida – had terrible pain. I had headaches and was always tired and stressed.
What was your state of health prior to Sevenpointfive?
Not good – always ill.
What other methods of healing have you tried and what medications were you on and for how long?
I was on vitamins and supplements and I was constantly on antibiotics. My immune system was so low.
What change did you first notice on the Sevenpointfive Program?
My energy levels increased and I wasn’t as tired as I used to be.
How long did it take for you to regain physical/mental control over life?
± 5 days
How has Sevenpointfive changed the quality of your life?
I feel absolutely amazing! I feel so much healthier!
How has your opinion of the medical profession and natural health changed?
I never believed in it and now that I have felt a huge change and the results I have seen – I would recommend it to everyone. Natural health is the best way!
Via Claudia @ Sevenpointfive Bedfordview